The book is the “11th Five-year”National Key Book Publication Planning Project and one of the volumes of Manualfor Design of Highway Bridge and Culverts. Now, it is the golden period forconstruction of super-large bridges in China. In the form of a manual for suspensionbridge design and on the basis of summarizing the construction experiences oflarge-span suspension bridges worldwide and especially in China over the lastdecade, the book systematically prescribes the features of suspension bridge, overalldesign, overall static structure calculation, pylon design, anchorage design, saddledesign, cable system design, reinforced beam design, deck design, auxiliarywork design, structure protection and durability design, landscape design, wind-resistancedesign, seismic resistance design, monitoring, control and service, keytechnical and keynotes of research, real bridge illustrations and addendums, withthe aim for accurate concept, clear theory, complete structure and systematicengineering cases, as an extremely valuable reference for the vast bridgeworkers.
The book can be usedas reference for professional technical personnel engaged in bridge design andresearch.