This teaching material is the revised editionbased on Train Operation Calculation and Design (1st Edition, 2008)compiled by Beijing Jiaotong University in collaboration with Central SouthUniversity, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Shijiazhuang Railway University andother colleges. The book systematically introduces about principles, methodsand application technologies involved in train operating process, in 12chapters, including: train haulage, train operating resistance, train brakingforce, resultant curve, motion equation and time resolving, train brake problemresolving, determination of haulage quality, train operation energy consumptioncalculation and energy-saving technology, signal arrangement method forautomatic blocking sections, multi-train operation calculation and analysis, urbanrail transit train operation calculation, high-speed train operationcalculation and train operation computing software.
The book can be usedas teaching material or teaching reference for undergraduate and postgraduatestudents of communications and transport as well as reference for governmentaldecision-making and administration personnel of relevant professions, anddesigning and consulting personnel.